Treating prostatitis at home with folk remedies: the best ways to treat the disease

consult a doctor for prostatitis

Treating prostatitis at home with folk remedies is a fairly common way to treat this disease. Most men are ashamed of their delicate problems, so don’t rush for medical help.

Complications of self-treatment of prostatitis

The disease progresses from an acute stage to a chronic one. As a result, all sorts of complications develop that are fraught with impotence, infertility, and the appearance of oncology.

However, caution should be exercised when selecting conventional treatments for prostatitis.

This disease is only suitable for complex therapy, which should be performed under the supervision of the best doctor. Here, exercise, medication, and home medication prescriptions need to be combined organically. Consider the most effective means of alternative medicine to combat different forms of the disease.

Bacterial form

In this case, inflammation of the prostate is caused by pathogenic microflora or viral infections. Therefore, it is important to eliminate the cause of the disease.

The following tools are used:

  • Antibacterial drugs.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Alpha blockers.
  • Sedatives.

In addition, the patient should follow a strict diet that includes complete rejection of spicy foods, smoked salted foods. It is recommended to exclude strong coffee, nicotine, alcohol, and highly carbonated beverages from the diet.

In addition, traditional remedies for prostatitis advise you to try this recipe:

  1. 100 grams of chopped poplar bark, pour vodka or alcohol, leave in a dark place for two weeks.
  2. The tincture should be taken twice a day in a dessert spoon.

The duration of the wellness course is 1, 5 weeks.

Stagnant form

Inflammation of the prostate gland caused by circulatory disturbances and stagnation of secretions suitable for such treatment:

  • Pumpkin seeds: at least 30-40 pieces per day.
  • Parsley seeds. The seeds of this plant are ground to a powdery mass. The resulting product was poured into 2 dessert spoons with water (100 ml), boiled and cooled. Take the broth daily before each meal.
  • Elderberry. Here you need pressed juice of ripe fruit, which should be drunk for 1 to 5 weeks before eating.

Acute form

How is acute prostatitis treated in men?

The following folk remedies are used here:

  1. Grind half a kilo of pumpkin seeds, mix with honey (200 g). The resulting mass should be made into small balls.
  2. Store the product in the refrigerator. Honey balls are consumed as ordinary candy, 2-3 pieces a day.
  3. The duration of treatment is one month.

Alternatively, you can try the celandine decoction by adding honey.

This tool is built according to the following scheme:

  • Dry herb celandine in crushed form - 100 g.
  • Honey bee - 500 g.
  • boiled water - 700 ml.

Pour the vegetable mass into water, bring to a boil and simmer for half an hour. The broth is then completely cooled, decanted and honey is added. The product is then mixed thoroughly and stored in a refrigerator in a hermetically sealed container. Take a large spoonful of broth daily.

Recording frequency: 3 times a day.

It should be noted that massage helps to cope with pain, however, not all men agree with such radical methods of influence.

Chronic form

Folk remedies and recipes for chronic prostatitis are striking in their variety, but only the safest and most effective are considered.

These include:

  1. Hazelnut baths. The young shoots of this plant, together with the foliage, are poured with half a liter of water and boiled for at least 15 minutes. The broth is then allowed to settle until the liquid has cooled to room temperature and filtered. The product is poured into a pool, hot water is added (the temperature should be comfortable for the body), and the perineum is immersed in water. The duration of such treatment is 21 days with regular use.
  2. Aspen bark. Please note that vegetable raw materials must be harvested in the spring, when the juice begins to move, before bud burst. Crush 100 g of crust into a minimal fraction and pour in vodka (200 ml). The device should be stored in a dry, dark place for two weeks using a glass container. It is recommended to shake the composition daily. The tincture is then filtered through a gauze cloth. Recommended dosage: 20 drops a day, adding a little boiled water. Treatment course: 2 months.

It should be noted that the treatment of prostatitis in men with these folk remedies is characterized only by positive reviews.

Beekeeping products

Propolis is considered to be one of the most effective remedies for prostatitis in folk medicine. This bee glue is a unique combination of healing ingredients, vitamins and minerals. Folk remedies for prostatitis and prescriptions for propolis look like this:

  • Infusion. Pour 2 tablespoons of crushed propolis into a glass of alcohol and stick for two weeks in a glass jar made of dark glass. After the specified period of time, the tincture is filtered, in strict agreement with the treating physician, depending on the form and extent of neglect of the disease.
  • Broth. Crush 50 g of propolis, make up to volume with water (150 ml), boil and evaporate in a steam bath for 15 minutes. The resulting broth should be drunk within 90 minutes at the same time intervals.
  • Candles. If you mix 100 grams of molten propolis and 50 grams of cocoa butter, you can make a candle. The shape and size are chosen individually.

It is important to understand that there is no universal cure for prostatitis in men, so folk cures should be combined with medication. Therefore, in order to be guaranteed to forget about unpleasant symptoms, you need to use complex therapy.